
HHO-III Purification device 中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣
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HHO-III Purification device 中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣


產品名稱:HHO-III Purification device 中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣

產品型號:HHO-III Purification device




HHO-III Purification device 中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣的詳細介紹

中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣 詳細信息:


型號:HHO-III Purification device

應用:2020版中guo藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物測定  氣相色譜法




浩瀚色譜(山東)應用技術開發有限公司,,采用新技術,依據2020版藥典二氧化碳的指標要求,研發出新一代二氧化碳專用凈化裝置HHO-III Purification device,安裝輕松,簡便,用戶獨立完成安裝,測試。無需改造儀器,既節省了成本,又提高了分析效率。此款凈化裝置在安捷倫,島津,賽默飛,瓦里安,PE,布魯克等儀器上安裝完畢,運行正常。

中國藥典2020年版二氧化碳凈化裝置哪里賣 測試譜圖:

Where to sell the carbon dioxide purification device of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition
Where to sell the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 version of the carbon dioxide purification device Details:

Name: Pharmacopoeia carbon dioxide (CO2) purification device

Model: HHO-III Purification device

Application: Determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in guo Pharmacopoeia in the 2020 edition by gas chromatography

Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition Carbon Dioxide:

Hydrocarbons are measured by gas chromatography (General Rule 0521) and the gas of the test product is taken from this product, that is, the reference gas is obtained as a gas with a methane content of 0.0020% (with nitrogen as the diluent). Chromatographic conditions: Use a chromatographic column (4mm×0.8m, 80 mesh) with glass balls as filler; the column temperature is 110°C; the inlet temperature is 110°C; the detector is a flame ionization detector, and the temperature is 120°C. Measure the test gas and the reference gas, inject them into the gas chromatograph respectively, and the peak area measured when the purification temperature is 360 ℃ is the corresponding blank value; accurately measure the test gas and the reference gas, and inject them into the gas chromatograph respectively. Instrument, measure the peak area, and the peak area after subtracting the corresponding blank value is the calibration peak area limit. Calculate the calibration peak area according to the external standard method, and the hydrocarbon content (calculated as methane) shall not exceed 0.0020%.

The core equipment for the determination of hydrocarbons is the carbon dioxide purification device. So, where to sell the carbon dioxide purification device of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020? Please find Shandong Haohan Chromatography.

Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. keeps pace with the times, adopts new technology, and develops a new generation of carbon dioxide special purification device HHO-III Purification device according to the index requirements of the 2020 edition of the Pharmacopoeia for carbon dioxide, which is easy to install, simple and user-independent Complete the installation, test. There is no need to modify the instrument, which not only saves the cost, but also improves the analysis efficiency. This purification device has been installed on instruments such as Agilent, Shimadzu, Thermo Fisher, Varian, PE, Bruker, etc. It is running normally and has been well received by users.

Where to sell the carbon dioxide purification device of the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Test spectrum:


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